How to monitor Exchange Queues?
How to monitor Exchange Queues / How to setup an Alert for Exchange Queues...
#Author : Nishant Naidu
#Technet - i-TechNinja
#load Snapin
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn;
#Set Mailing parameters
$sendMailMessageParams = @{ Smtpserver = " smtp server " To = " To? " From = " From? " }
# HTML Body
$head = "<style>","BODY { background-color: white; }","TABLE { border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; border-collapse: collapse; }","TH { border-width: 1px; padding: 5px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; foreground-color: black; background-color: LightBlue}","TD { border-width: 1px; padding: 5px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; foreground-color: black; background-color: white}","</style>" | Out-String
#Logic to setup
if ($Queue = Get-ExchangeServer | Where { $_.isHubTransportServer -eq $true } | Get-Queue | Where-Object { $_.MessageCount -gt 200 } | Select Identity, DeliveryType, NextHopDomain, RiskLevel, MessageCount, Status, Velocity) { $body = $Queue | ConvertTo-Html -Head $head | Out-String #Invoke Send-MailMessage -Subject "Exchange Queue Alerts-Threshold 200" -Priority High -Body $body -BodyAsHtml @sendMailMessageParams } else{ Send-MailMessage -Subject "Exchange Queue Alerts-Threshold 200" -Body "Queues are below Threshold limit - 200 "-BodyAsHtml @sendMailMessageParams }
How to Use?
1. Save this file as .ps1 wherever with whatever name you want to.
2. Open Task Scheduler
3. Create a New task and set the task occurrence for this .ps1 file.
Thank You.
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